January 26, 2011

If MLK had been a cubicle jockey

Here is Meeting Boy's take on MLK's I Have a Dream speech:

"I have a dream
that other people’s lack of planning
isn’t my problem.

I have a dream
that your bad day
doesn’t entitle you to ruin mine.

I have a dream
that your stupid cousin we had to hire
can actually perform his job.

I have a dream
that vendor capabilities presentations
always include donuts.

I have a dream
that my boss will actually explain what he wants
and not penalize me for not “doing whatever it takes”.

I have a dream
that the client’s indecisiveness
doesn’t cause the project to launch late because of capricious changes.

I have a dream
that your poor time management
doesn’t bring me in on weekends.

I have a dream
that anyone who leaves a voicemail
is forced to listen to their own voicemails until Judgement Day.

I have a dream
that account management actually asks their client if they like it,
instead of making us change things for no reason.

I have a dream
that my contributions will be judged by the quality of my ideas,
and not on the title on my business card."


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